• “In every way, my work life and my personal life have grown.”
• “It makes you feel energized and uplifted spiritually.”
• “My back seems stronger.”
• “The T’ai Chi itself helped me improve my balance and strengthen my legs.”
• "It helped me feel more centered and powerful."
* "I was able to concentrate much better after several weeks of T'ai Chi."
* "I feel more flexible and centered. My balance is improved, and I believe that I am not
as susceptible to stress as I was before."
* "I have fewer migraines."
* "T'ai Chi gets better with every session."
* "Cheerful and friendly. "Went the extra mile."
* "Very insightful and focused as much on mental as physical."
* "Emily is WONDERFUL. Always inspiring and a joy to work with."
* "She was a slice of heaven (and so-o-o positive)."
* "Sort of like an "ora" around her. I really feel her spiritually."
* "Beautiful attitude and spirit."
* "Great unspoken chemistry within the group fostered by kind and
gentle spirit of Emily."
* " Emily is one of those people who make the space around her nicer
to be in."
c 2012 All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced without written permission of Emily B. Smith, Grasshopper Martial Arts, Edgerton 53534